Search Plants and Animals to Observe

There are 1,882 species on the USA-NPN's Nature's Notebook species list available to you to observe. Use the search tool below to find species to observe or download all the species information as an Excel file. Not sure what to observe? Check out our Nature's Notebook campaigns - we are especially interested in observations of those plants and animals!

To assist with making your observations, the USA-NPN is creating, collecting, and vetting phenophase photo guides for our species to depict images of each phase on which we ask observers to report. Species that have approved phenophase photo guides will display a link to the guide at the bottom of the species profile page as well as on your Observation Deck when you add the species. You can view a list of all species for which guides are available here. We are continuously updating this table as new guides are approved and become available.

We also have a gallery of images for many of the phenophases of the species on our list. Check out the USA-NPN Plant Phenophases Gallery SmugMug page for images to help you identify the phenophases for your species.

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